
Formal Requirements vs. Natural Language Requirements

Robert Fey

Mar 20, 2022 / 1 min read

Formal requirements differ from natural language requirements in that they use a predefined language to convey the same meaning.  

The advantage of this type of notation is that they are understood identically by all readers with knowledge of the same vocabulary. Thus, the formal requirements are free of interpretation. Additional work due to misinterpretation can thus be avoided and this saves money in the development. Due to their very high level of detail, they require hardly any domain-specific knowledge and are therefore very well understood even by departments not involved in development.  

Let's Talk TPT

Formal requirements differ from natural language requirements in that they use a predefined language to convey the same meaning.  

The advantage of this type of notation is that they are understood identically by all readers with knowledge of the same vocabulary. Thus, the formal requirements are free of interpretation. Additional work due to misinterpretation can thus be avoided and this saves money in the development. Due to their very high level of detail, they require hardly any domain-specific knowledge and are therefore very well understood even by departments not involved in development.  

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