
Fault Injection Testing Methods with TPT

Robert Fey

May 09, 2021 / 1 min read

There are many ways to find deficiencies in your system under test (SUT). One particularly crucial method sees  being intentionally introduced into the SUT in order to observe the system’s behavior. This test strategy is also known as fault injection

According to , fault injection is understood as follows:

“The process of intentionally adding defects to a system for the purpose of finding out whether the system can detect, and possibly recover from, a defect. Fault injection is intended to mimic failures that might occur in the field.” ()

Faults ≠ Errors

It should be noted, however, that  are regarded differently in that they are human-made, namely “actions that produce an incorrect result” (ibid.). This is commonly referred to as a mistake, as well.

Find Faults. Test with TPT

Testing for deficiencies in TPT is easily set up via the Fault Injection Unit for testing Hardware-in-Loop.

Moreover, the safety standard for developing safety critical automotive systems requires fault injection testing, as well. The testing tool fully supports fault injection testing compliant with ISO 26262.

Try out TPT? Download the latest TPT version from our website. For evaluation purposes, feel free to reach out to request an evaluation licence for free under tpt@synopsys.com.

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