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CODE V 範例模型為您在處理實際範例時提供了探索 CODE V 廣泛的设计和分析功能的機會,您可使用 CODE V 中的範例模型開始设计您的下一個成像應用。我們已將下列新模型範例加入 :
This example demonstrates how to use the BSP option for modeling the beam propagation from a nanolaser source. We discuss the beam input parameters and the propagation settings.
此範例示範如何使用 BSP 選項來模拟奈米雷射光源的光束傳播。此範例是關於光束輸入參數和傳播設定。
This example demonstrates how to use optimization with SN2 and SNS constraints, in order to reduce the tolerance sensitivity.
此範例說明如何使用具有 SN2 和 SNS 約束的最佳化來降低公差敏感度。
This example model demonstrates the workflow of how to use Reduce Tolerance Sensitivity merit function (SAB) in Automatic Design.
In this example, we will use TOR to analyze the sensitivity of a singlet lens and determine the tolerance and compensator values.
在這個範例中,我們將使用 TOR 來分析單透鏡的敏感度並決定公差和補償器的數值。
This example discusses a workflow on how to remove an element from a starting point spherical design by introducing aspheres. The workflow is demonstrated with a mid-wave infrared (MWIR) system, although the technique is not limited to MWIR.
此範例討論如何透過引入非球面從起點球面设计中移除元件的工作流程。此工作流程使用中波紅外線 (MWIR) 系統來演示,但該技術並不局限於 MWIR。
This example introduces an aberration-based design approach. We apply this approach to reduce field-dependent aberrations in an off-axis three-mirror anastigmat system.
This example demonstrates how to prevent aspheric inflection point with optimization. This is achieved with a user-defined function by pushing the inflection point outside of the aperture.
A logo lamp system is used to project a personalized/brand-specific logo. This example demonstrates how to design a collimator lens for an automotive logo lamp.
Logo 燈系統是用於投影個人化/品牌特定的標誌。此範例示範如何设计汽車 Logo 燈的準直透鏡。
For a logo lamp system, the projection lens projects the pattern on the mask to a logo on the ground. This example demonstrates how to design a three-element projection lens.
在 Logo 燈系統中,投影鏡頭會將光罩上的 Logo 圖案投射到地面上。本範例示範如何设计三元件投影鏡頭。
This example demonstrates the workflow of using CODE V to design a pixel headlamp. We will start with the final design from Part I, design with aspheric surfaces, reduce system F/Number, substitute with real glasses, analyze the system for display to roadway performance, and export the design.
此範例示範了使用 CODE V 设计像素頭燈的工作流程。從第一部分的最終设计開始,採用非球面设计,降低系統 F/Number,用真實玻璃替代,分析系統顯示到道路的性能,並導出设计。
若要下載新的 CODE V 範例模型:
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雜散光分析利器 - 探索 LightTools 過濾器及光線路徑功能的效益和優勢
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錯過往期電子報嗎? 請点此查看&苍产蝉辫;