详细を见る多様な熱浴?圧力浴を備えたアンサンブル。構造と反応経路の最適化(NEB)。 構造に対する柔軟な拘束条件と豊富な解析方法を完備。DFT、半経験的手法、古典的力场関数を用いる手法、などをシームレスに連携。
详细を见る“[… The QuantumATK package] has proven to be an integral part of our studies, allowing us to explore from the atomistic level nanostructures that are directly relevant to nano-electronic technology design […] “
Prof. Jim Greer | University of Nottingham, Ningbo China Campus
“ I’ve used a lot of codes for MD, DFT and semi-empirical total energy and transport calculations in the past and I can easily say that [QuantumATK] is better by a huge margin. […] “
User from Semiconductor Industry
“[草榴社区 QuantumATK Team] has managed the tour-de-force of blending high performance material modeling techniques (combining solid state physics, chemistry and molecular dynamics) with user-friendliness. […]”
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